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Lies & the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair & Balanced Look at the Right - Al Franken I don't know if I would necessarily call this "fair and balanced" but I get the pun. I will say that this was interesting and I jotted down quite a few things to look into more on my own. I may lean more toward Franken's side of the debate, and I think that he did a heck of a lot more research than, say, Ann "Here Comes the Hate-Spewer" Coulter has ever done, but I'd like to read a bit more on some topics. I think he asked for us to take quite a bit of this at face value, stating that he'd done the research, and it's not that I don't trust him, but heck, the book's about liars. I'd be silly not to look into this stuff more on my own.

I did think that there was quite a bit of humor in this book. Franken has never been on top of my "Favorite Comedians" list, and I can't even say I was much of a fan of his SNL stuff either, but I did find myself chuckling a few times.

But then I found that he derailed a bit and got off topic a few times, especially towards the middle-end of the book. His anecdotes about his adventure to Bob Jones University wasn't necessary, and felt a little out of place in this book, considering that they didn't lie (other than stretching the truth about their Medical program courses) and weren't the focus of the book, so... Kinda lost me there.

But overall, I thought that this was interesting and kind of funny.